Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paul

Event Information

Irving Hall

Price: $.50; Reserved extra $.50

Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
18 January 2016

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

29 Apr 1867, 8:00 PM
30 Apr 1867, 8:00 PM
01 May 1867, 8:00 PM
02 May 1867, 8:00 PM
03 May 1867, 8:00 PM
04 May 1867, 8:00 PM

Program Details

Benefit Friday, 8 p.m.; last night, Saturday. "The Sorrows of a Spinster" sung as part of the farce, "An Unprotected Female."
“Good bye, sweetheart, good bye” and “Ach, so fromm, ach! So traut” (Martha) sung as part of Mrs. Paul's imitations of tenors (Brignoli).

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Russell
Text Author: Mackay
Composer(s): Traditional
Participants:  Mrs. Howard Paul
aka Bloom is on the rye, The
Composer(s): Bishop
Participants:  Mrs. Howard Paul
Text Author: Coyne
Participants:  Mrs. Howard Paul
Composer(s): Paul
Participants:  Mrs. Howard Paul
aka Impersonations of tenors; Imitation of Brignoli
Participants:  Mrs. Howard Paul
Composer(s): Hatton
Text Author: Williams
Participants:  Mrs. Howard Paul
aka M'appari tutt’amor; My raptured gaze; Lionel’s air; Ah, so pure
Composer(s): Flotow
Participants:  Mrs. Howard Paul


Advertisement: New-York Times, 29 April 1867, 7.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 29 April 1867, 9.
Review: New York Herald, 30 April 1867, 7.

“Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paul commenced the last week of their engagement at this hall last night. The audience, though small, was of a truly fashionable character, and we recognized many that attended those entertainments last week. Mrs. Howard Paul has a phenomenal voice, and uses it like an artist, and the gentleman possesses remarkable qualities as a comedian. No person would imagine without witnessing their performance that two people could entertain an audience so successfully as the Pauls do. They are well deserving of a visit.”

Review: New York Herald, 04 May 1867, 7.

“These clever artistes repeated their very pleasing entertainment last night at Irving Hall, before a large and very fashionable audience, who, throughout the performance, which lasted nearly two hours and a half, were deeply attentive to the acting and singing of their entertainers in a manner that showed their interest in the performance, and the capability of the actors to entertain an audience in a satisfactory manner for such a length of time.  In the songs of “Bonnie Dundee,” in character, and “My Pretty Jane” imitative of Sims Reeves, Mrs. Paul was loudly applauded, and her trials of an unprotected female met with all the sympathy that the hardships of that unfortunate individual could command.  At the close Mr. Paul announced that their engagement in this city would terminate to-night, and thanked the citizens of New York for their liberal patronage of himself and wife.”   

Review: New York Herald, 05 May 1867, 7.

“…The last night of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paul filled Irving Hall to overflowing with a fashionable assemblage, and both of those clever artists were recalled in almost every piece of their varied and interesting programme.”