San Francisco Minstrels Hall
Price: $.25
Event Type:
Last Updated:
7 May 2016
Hall has been repainted and redecorated.
“[A] crowded house and business continued pretty good during the week. The company receives a hearty welcome on the rising of the curtain, and the first part went off remarkably well. Five new songs were sung, all of which were well rendered and heartily encored. The olio contained scarcely a new act. ‘Fat and Greasy’ and ‘Imitations of Actors’ are very good acts, it is true, but do not the public tire of witnessing a good thing so often? The Frisco Minstrels is one of the best bands we have had in this city for a long time, and have a firm hold on the public, but they should bear in mind that another party was in high favor in this city for a number of years, and because they were doing a good business, became careless, running the same old acts for an entire season, but the public got tired of this and all at once dropped on them and went to another house. The old company lost their hold and soon closed to a bad business. The Friscos have the public now, but the aforesaid public is very fickle, and novelty is what they look for.”