San Francisco Minstrels Hall
Event Type:
Last Updated:
1 November 2016
“Business picked up considerably last week with the San Francisco Minstrels, the attendance being very good on several occasions. An entertaining programme was offered last week replete with the witticisms of Birch, Bernard, Backus and Wambold. In the first part W. P. Grier sung with considerable feeling and taste, ‘Loved Ones come to me To-night,’ and C. Templeton sang a serenade called ‘Twinkling Stars,’ both of which were deservedly applauded. Mr. Wambold sang ‘Minnie Lee’ in his usual capital style and was loudly encored. Mr. Wambold’s singing is one of the great features of the evening’s entertainment at this hall. Birch and Backus were as full of fun as ever, and in the act called ‘Caste from Memory’ in the olio, kept the audience roaring with laughter. Charley Gardner did a song and dance called ‘Yaller Gal dat winked at me’ and received an encore.”