Germania Assembly Rooms
Carl Anschütz
Price: $.50
Event Type:
Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal
Last Updated:
27 May 2016
“There was a middling-sized audience at the Germania Assembly Rooms last evening on occasion of Mr. Carl Anschutz’s second Sunday concert. A mammoth programme, equal to the preceding Sunday, was offered. Of it we only heard Mr. Groscurth’s piano solo, Madame Anschutz’s lied, by Gumbert, and a fest march by Lachner. Mr. Groscurth played his waltz very well, but for the sake of art let him leave Chopin severely alone. One of poor Chopin’s polonaises received hard usage at his hands, and, to judge from the effect, might have been a piece by Palestrina, D’Albert, Bach, or Groscurth for all the audience could know. Madame Anschutz sang well, and the fest march was played with spirit and élán. The third concert will take place on Sunday next.”
Review for concerts of 10/07 and 10/14 are combined.
The concert was very well attended. The performance was very good including Mozart’s concerto for two pianos played by Davis and Groscuth on Steck’s grand pianos. Mollenhauer’s solo was also enjoyable; however, Mehreres’ vocal performance was not.