Grover-Maretzek Italian and German Opera: Carnevale di Venezia : CANCELLED

Event Information

Pike's Opera House

Manager / Director:
Leonard Grover

Max Maretzek

Price: $1.50 reserved; $1; $.50 family circle

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
23 June 2017

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

17 Feb 1868, Evening

Program Details

Rita Sangalli in grande ballet de scene.

Opening night postponed to 2/24/68.

Performers and/or Works Performed


Announcement: New York Herald, 12 February 1868.
Announcement: New-York Times, 12 February 1868, 4.

“The Grover-Maretzek will commence a short season of Italian opera at Pike’s Opera house on Monday next.”

Advertisement: New York Herald, 13 February 1868.

“The largest Operatic Ensemble at present in the world.” 

Advertisement: New-York Times, 14 February 1868, 5.

"Season of Grand and Popular Italian and German Opera and Grand Ballet. . . . The largest Operatic Ensemble at present in the world. . . . The Carnivale is produced with new and elaborate Costumes, Carnivale Grostequerie, Fanfsronade [illegible] and Ballet de Scene.”

Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 14 February 1868, 4.

“Mr. Maretzek’s announcement of the season of Italian and German opera at Pike’s Opera House appears this morning.”

Announcement: New-York Times, 17 February 1868, 4.

“To those who wearily watched the scheming of last week and know how vain it must be, it is only necessary to say a few words. A combination of nonentities can not succeed. . . . Mr. Maretzek acts with Mr. Grover simply as a conductor, loaning his artists and so on. Mr. Grover is the actual manager, and the responsibility of not opening at Pike’s according to announcement remains with him. There was no rehearsal on Saturday, although it was stated very disctinctly that there would be a performance to-night. It is certain, however, that in a few days – on Wednesday we believe – Pike’s Opera House will be opened, and with a company that can hold its own against any sort of competition.”

Announcement: New York Post, 17 February 1868.

“The new opera season which was to have begun at Pike’s Opera House to-night will not be open as first announced. There will proably be but a few days’ delay, however, although there is considerable uncertainty as to what arrangements will be made and under whose auspices the season is to be directed.” Goes on to praise recent Strakosch performances.

Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 18 February 1868, 8.

“The Grover-Maretzek Opera Company which was to have opened at Pike’s last night has encountered obstacles, and the performances are indefinitely postponed. It is probable that the principal singers will appear at any rate in a few days, either at the Twenty-third-st. hourse or in combination with Strakosch’s company at Irving-place.”

Advertisement: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 19 February 1868.