Steinway Hall
George Frederick Bristow
Event Type:
Choral, Orchestral
Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal
Last Updated:
1 February 2023
“Steinway Hall.—The New York Mendelssohn Union gave their third concert last night before a small audience. The orchestra and chorus gave Von Bree’s [sic] cantata, ‘St. Cecilia’s Day,’ of which we have spoken before. The admirable musician, Geroge Bristow, conducted on the occasion. The soloists of the concert were Miss Maria Brainerd, an artist of acknowledged ability, who, however, at the concert labored under the effects of a cold; W. J. Hill, the admirable tenor, who sang Wallace’s ‘Let Me Like a Soldier Fall’ in excellent style; J. P. Morgan, organist, and Leopold de Meyer, pianist. A quartet and chorus, ‘Sleep Not, the Sinner Cried,’ was also sung. Miss Wood, Miss Meyer and Messrs. Tobias and Deyo taking the principal parts. G. W. Colby presided at the piano with his accustomed ability.”
“The New-York Mendelssohn Union gave their third concert of the season last evening. The attendance was rather slim, owing to the snow-storm. The programme was very attractive, commencing with Weber’s overture to Oberon, rendered in excellent style by the orchestra, followed by Mr. W. J. Hill in a ballad from Maritana. Mr. Leopold de Meyer, in the favorite Grand Duchess fantasia, Miss Maria Brainerd, who gave a song by Hullah, ‘The Storm,’ with fine expression; an organ fugue by Bach, performed by Mr. John P. Morgan—not the Morgan of Grace Church; and the quartette and chorus, ‘Sleep not, the Savior cries,’ by the members of the Union. Miss Brainerd and Mr. De Meyer were each compelled to respond to loud encores. The second part consisted of a cantata, fresh to New-York, entitled, ‘St. Cecilia’s Day,’ by Von Bree. It is light and semi-sacred in character, partaking of both the French and German schools, and contains some very attractive and original melodies. It was exceedingly well given by the members of the society, the solos being sustained by Miss Brainerd and Mr. Hill. The version adopted is the same as that performed in many parts of England with great success. Mr. Bristow conducted in his usual thorough manner. Mr. Colby presided at the piano.”