Bowery Theatre

Event Information

Bowery Theatre (after 1/67)

Manager / Director:
William B. Freligh

Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
1 July 2020

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

23 Mar 1868, Evening
24 Mar 1868, Evening
25 Mar 1868, Evening
26 Mar 1868, Evening
27 Mar 1868, Evening
28 Mar 1868, Evening

Program Details

The Blanchards performed with their trained dogs.

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Pas de fascination; Catching a governor; Lola Montes, or, A countess for an hour; Lola Montes; Lola Montez; Countess for an hour.
Text Author: Coyne


Advertisement: New York Herald, 23 March 1868.
Announcement: New-York Times, 23 March 1868, 4.
Advertisement: New-York Times, 23 March 1868, 7.
Review: New York Herald, 24 March 1868, 10.

“Miss Teresa Berry, a brilliant and accomplished comédienne, appeared at this favorite east side establishment last night in the well known comedietta ‘Pas de Fascination.’ She displayed considerable ability in the character of Katerine Kloper, and bore out to the fullest extent the high reputation she brought from California. Mlle. Ronzati danced a pas seul and Bollas sang some comic songs after the comedietta. The rest of the program consisted of the drama of the ‘Assassin of the Rocks,’ in which Mr. and Mrs Edwin Blanchard and their trained dogs appeared, and the performance concluded with the ‘Midnight Banquet,’ a drama of the sensational kind.”

Announcement: New York Clipper, 04 April 1868, 414.