Liederkranz Hall
Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal
Last Updated:
25 August 2017
“The fourth musical soirée of the Liederkranz Society took place last night at the hall in Fourth street. The soloists were Madame Anschutz, Miss Louise Orloff, soprano; Mme. Sophia Lillendahl, piano; Habelmann, tenor; Fred Steins, basso, and Beyner, violoncello. The orchestra, which is wholly made up of members, gave the ‘Tell’ overture with remarkable effect. The best thing on the programme was Palestrina’s “Fratres Ego,” a vocal octet, belonging to a school of music which is heard too seldom now a days. A melodrama by Tottmann, almost as long as the charge of an Impeachment Manager, was also recited and sung. Mr. Nembach presided at the piano. Max Bruch’s Roman song of triumph, for chorus and orchestra, opened the concert.”
“The private concert given by the German Liederkranz at their hall a few evenings since was one of the most enjoyable musical entertainments of the season. Madame Anschutz, Miss Louise Orloff, Mrs. Lilliendahl, Theo. Habelmann, Mr. Klamroth, Fred. Steins and Mr. Bergner, assisted the chorus and orchestra of the society in rendering the selections. Bruch’s ‘Roman Triumphal Chorus’ and Palestrina’s ‘Fratres Ergo’ by the Mannerchor, and Fesca’s charming ‘Liebesbotschaft,’ by Mr. Habelmann, were particularly fine. Mr. Bergner’s violoncello solo was given with even more than his usual skill, and in the final overture to ‘William Tell,’ the orchestra of amateur performers evinced a proficiency rarely attained by professionals. This is the concluding musical entertainment of the winter season.”