Tony Pastor’s Opera House

Event Information

Tony Pastor's Opera House

Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
23 August 2018

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

22 Jun 1868, 8:00 PM
23 Jun 1868, 8:00 PM
24 Jun 1868, 8:00 PM
25 Jun 1868, 8:00 PM
26 Jun 1868, 8:00 PM
27 Jun 1868, 2:30 PM
27 Jun 1868, 8:00 PM

Program Details

Benefits for Pastor Saturday matinee and evening.

Performers and/or Works Performed


Advertisement: New York Herald, 22 June 1868.
Announcement: New York Herald, 22 June 1868, 5.
Advertisement: New York Clipper, 27 June 1868, 95.
Review: New York Clipper, 27 June 1868, 94, 3d col., top.

“Tony Pastor announced this as the last week of his present season at his Opera House in the Bowery. Taken on the whole it has proved the most successful one he has yet had in this city. He opened July 29 and for forty-seven weeks has given performances each night and on Saturday afternoon, altogether three hundred and thirty-six performances. Each week he has produced a new drama, from the pen of John F. Poole, in addition to a good variety entertainment, introducing at intervals not only novelties of every description, but some of the best talent to be found in the variety business, and we are pleased to record the fact that his efforts have been rewarded by a succession of good houses. Tony is a liberal manager and knows how to manage a variety theatre. He closes his establishment on the 27th and takes his company to Boston for a summer season.”

Review: New York Clipper, 04 July 1868, 102, 3d col., middle.

“Tony Pastor’s benefit on June 27th, afternoon and evening, was a great success, the opera house being densely crowded on both occasions. In the afternoon Eph Horn, Bobby Newcomb, and Nelse Seymour appeared, and in the evening the set-to between Sam Collyer and Dick Holliwood was the great attraction. A great many people were turned away in the evening, unable to obtain even standing room.”

Announcement: New York Clipper, 04 July 1868, 102, 3d col., top.