Tammany Hall
Price: $.50; $.50 extra, reserved orchestra circle; $1 extra, reserved orchestra chairs
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal
Last Updated:
9 February 2019
Risley’s Japs closed their engagement on the 6th.
“Ernee Clark, a London comic vocalist, engaged in that city expressly for the Tammany, failed to impress the American public favorably as to his talents, and, his services having been dispensed with on the 3d inst., he sailed for England on the 6th.”
Competence from other theaters does not affect the Tammany, always full. A new ballet is introduced this week, “La Dame aux Camélias” (Bonfanti). Robert Green sings “Anvil Jack the Ferrier”, and Maffit and Bartholomew repeat their “Wooden Shoe Dance.”