Charles Heydtman Testimonial Concert

Event Information

Steck’s Music Hall

Paolo Giorza

Performance Forces:

Record Information


Last Updated:
1 March 2019


Review: New-York Times, 11 March 1869, 5.

“A concert of an unpretentious but unusually pleasing character was attended at Steck’s Music Hall, last evening, by an audience that, [in] spite of wind and rain, filled the place. The entertainment—complimentary to Mr. Heydtman was of comparatively brief duration, but (remembering the evil effect of too lengthy programmes) it was unquestionably more attractive on that account. Brief as it was, it brought before the public in turn Miss Antonia Henne, contralto; Miss Fannie Schwab (amateur), soprano and pianist; Miss Jennie Heydtman (amateur), pianist; Herr Ignatz Pollak, baritone; Herr Wenzel Kopta, violinist; Mr. Edward Hoffman, and Signor Paolo Giorza, Signor G. Aberle, Herr George Neubach, Herr Charles Heydtman, pianists, and enabled these artistes to interpret an excellent selection of vocal and instrumental music. The conductor of the concert was Signor Paolo Giorza, musician and composer, whose numerous works are prized throughout Europe.”