Event Information
Irving Hall
Price: $.50; $1 reserved
Event Type:
Chamber (includes Solo)
Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal
Record Information
Last Updated:
21 July 2012
Performance Date(s) and Time(s)
07 Jan 1863, Evening
Program Details
Performers and/or Works Performed
aka Reminiscences of Rigoletto;
Fantasia Rigoletto;
Rigoletto fantasie
Composer(s): Liszt
aka DernieÌ€re espeÌrance;
Ultima esperanza
Composer(s): Gottschalk
aka Variations on L’elisir d’amore
Composer(s): Thalberg
Advertisement: New York Herald, 28 December 1862, 7.
“Cartes de visite of Master Pape and Miss Carreño taken, in groups or separate.â€
Announcement: New York Herald, 29 December 1862.
Pape is “the boy pianist.” Calls it a Grand Complimentary Concert.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 31 December 1862, 7.
Prices. “Previous to [Pape’s] departure for Europe.â€
Advertisement: New-York Times, 01 January 1863, 7.
Announcement: New York Post, 02 January 1863, 2.
Announcement: New York Post, 05 January 1863, 2.
“Pape, the young pianist, whose extraordinary ability has at last been appreciated by our Philharmonic in an invitation to play at their next concert.â€
Advertisement: New-York Times, 05 January 1863, 7.
Announcement: Courrier des États-Unis, 07 January 1863.
Announcement: New York Post, 07 January 1863, 3.
“Pape’s concert . . . deserves the attention of all our musical amateurs. The remarkable young pianist has hitherto played here only in private circles and for charitable concerts, and the entertainment of to-night, is his first on his own behalf. There is no doubt that he is, without regard to precocity, one of the most brilliant of American pianists.â€
Advertisement: New York Herald, 07 January 1863, 7.
Review: New York Herald, 12 January 1863, 3.
“Pape’s concert at Irving Hall on Wednesday evening last was very largely and fashionably attended and appeared to afford general gratification. Master Pape performed [Liszt, Gottschalk, and Thalberg] . . . and an original concerto on national airs. [Dingley, Thomas and Castle] contributed to the enjoyment of the evening. The applause bestowed upon Master Pape was very enthusiastic, and he was recalled several times.”
Review: Musical Review and World, 17 January 1863, 15.
“Pape’s Grand Concert took place at Irving Hall, previous to his leaving for Europe, where he will finish his musical education. The boy is, we understand, 13 years old, and certainly displays a considerable amount of technical ability. He performed Liszt’s ‘Rigoletto,’ and Thalberg’s ‘Elisir d’Amore’ correctly, in the right time, and quite effective. His power of touch is remarkable. Whether he will ever become a great artist, we do not know, but he will certainly rank in a few years as one of the great virtuosos of this instrument.â€
Review: Dwight's Journal of Music, 17 January 1863, 333.
“A companion to little Teresa [Carreno] is now before the New York public. . . . [A]lthough [his name] is familiar to many who heard him a year ago, at Mme. Anna Bishop’s concert, yet this is his first appearance in his own concerts. . . . Willie is but twelve years of age, and his performance is certainly very wonderful. The brilliancy, power and correctness of his execution, combined with a most perfect taste [?] and conception, has placed his name, high on the list of eminent pianists. Liszt, Prudent, Thalberg, Gottschalk have no difficulties too great for him to overcome, and if he lives to reach the age of maturity he bids fair to be one of the most accomplished of performers. . . . [H]is concert [was] an eminent success, the Hall being crowded, although on an opera night.”
Review: Dwight's Journal of Music, 31 January 1863, 351.
“Of miscellaneous concerts we have had but few lately, and those principally of the ‘prodigy’ order – little Carreno, Master Pape, the Bretto children, have been the envy and admiration of less gifted youngsters this winter; to us such displays are a bore, and worse than a simple bore – a very much to be deplored bore, musically and humanly speaking.â€