Steinway Hall
Theodore Thomas [see also Thomas Orchestra]
Price: $1; 1.50 reserved seats
Event Type:
Chamber (includes Solo), Orchestral
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
8 June 2019
The Musikzeitung critic Edmund Remack died last Thursday, the 5th, of a short illness. (…) He leaves a widow and two children. A benefit concert is planned for the 21st at Steinway Hall with celebrities as Mrs. von Bärndorf and Hermann Hendricks participating.
A biography of the critic Edmund Remack.
“The memorial concert to Mr. Edmund Remack takes place at Steinway Hall on Saturday evening next. The programme will undoubtedly be one of the finest that can be offered to the public during the season—a programme, in fact, which could only be possible under the sad circumstances which have overtaken Mr. Remack’s family. The array of artists is extraordinary. Two of the greatest dramatic artists of Germany, Mme. A. VON BARENDORFF and Mr. HENDRICHS, have proffered their services, and will recite pieces appropriate for the occasion. In the vocal way there will be Mlle. TOSTEE, Mme. AGATHA STATES, Mrs. LUMLEY BLATH, Signor RONCONI, Signor RANDOLPHI, Mr. POLLAK, and the chorus of the MENDELSSOHN UNION. Instrumentally, the artists are Mr. S. B. MILLS, Mr. OSCAR PFEIFFER, Mr. G. W. MORGAN, Mr. TOULMIN, Mr. G. W. COLBY, and Mr. OTTO SINGER. Mr. THEODORE THOMAS’ full orchestra has volunteered for the occasion, and will, of course be under the direction of its able chief.”
Announcement of the death of music critic Edmund Remack, editor of the N. Y. Abend Zeitung. His death, at about 35 years of age, was brought on by excessive literary labor.
“The memorial concert to the late Mr. EDMUND REMACK takes place to-night at Steinway Hall. The programme is one that must interest the public, and the talent is such that no person living could obtain. Thanks to the kind offices of Mr. MAX MARETZEK and Mr. BATEMAN, several of the most popular artists in the country are permitted to appear on this occasion. Two of the greatest German dramatic artists now in this country—Mme. Von BAERENDORF and Herr HENDRICHS—have also volunteered their valuable services. The entertainment will thus consist of recitation as well as music. The grand chorus of the Mendelssohn Union and Mr. THEODORE THOMAS’ orchestra have also proffered their services. There is more than solo singing, inasmuch as Mr. BATEMAN’S artists will sing a little operetta called Lieschen and Fritzchen. The principal characters are sustained by Mlle. TOSTEE and M. DARDIGNAC. To see TOSTEE, the incomparable, in a parlor rôle, will be an event with most of her admirers. She is said to be inimitable in this trifle of the prolific OFFENBACH. Mme. AGATHA STATES and Sig. RONCONI will sing pieces, by the kind permission of Mr. MARETZEK, and the remaining volunteers are Mme. Lumley-Blath, Johanna and Willie Hess, Signor Randolfi, Herr Pollak, Mr. S. B. Mills, Mr. Oscar Pfeiffer, Mr. G. W. Morgan, Mr. Toulmin, Mr. Otto Singer, and Mr. G. W. Colby. Such an array of talent is remarkable. It is a mark of respect to the unfortunate gentleman who has left us, and a token of kindliness toward those who are bereaved.”
“The grand memorial concert given at Steinway Hall last evening ‘as a token of personal regard to the deceased and of sympathy with the widow and children’ of the late Edmund Remack, was everything that could be desired. It is not often that such an array of first class talent can be met with at a single entertainment, and this exceptional character exercised its natural effect in drawing together such an audience. The programme was admirable in its arrangement and the selections opened with a classical piece from Beethoven rendered in truly artistic style by Theodore Thomas’ orchestra. Following this a melodia dramatica, ‘La Seperazione,’ [sic] from Rossini, by Herr Pollak; a piano solo, by S. B. Mills, and an ‘Air Varie’ by Madame Lumley Blath. A duo for piano and violin, from ‘La Favorita,’ next introduced by Johanna and Willie Hess, the young performers whose united ages cannot exceed eighteen years. The charming and correct performance of each was universally acknowledged and their joint effort loudly applauded. A recitation by Frau Auguste von Baerndorf succeeded, followed by a cavatina ‘Ernani, involami,’ sung with great power and sweetness by Madame Agatha States; Mozart’s ‘Ave Verum,’ by the Mendelssohn Union, closing the first part of the entertainment. Part second consisted of a comic operetta in one act in Offenbach’s sprightliest mood, entitled ‘Lieschen and Fritzchen,’ the respective characters being sustained by Mlle. Tostée and M. Dardignac. The peculiar dash and comic verve which have made Tostée unrivalled in the two rôles of La Grand Duchesse and La Belle Hélène were equally conspicuous in this little part, and being well sustained by M. Dardignac, together, they succeeded in so engrossing the attention of the house upon the personality of their respective impersonations as to make the absence of scenery and the adjuncts of the stage forgotten in the enjoyment of their action. Part third consisted of the ‘Austrian National Hymn,’ arranged for organ and harp by Messrs. G. W. Morgan and Toulimen [sic]; a buffo aria, ‘Largo al Factotum,’ spiritedly sung by Signor Georgio Ronconi; a recitation by Herr Hendrichs, and a piano solo, ‘Ernani,’ by Mr. Oscar Pfeiffer, given with that masterly power of expression and delicacy of touch for which that artist is remarkable, the audience retiring to the strains of ‘William Tell,’ by Mr. G. W. Morgan, on the organ.”
“The Remack Memorial Concert at Steinway Hall last Saturday night was in every way successful. The house was crowded, and the receipts amounted to two thousand dollars or more. The display of talent was perhaps more varied than at any other concert ever given in this city.”
“The Remack Concert: The memorial concert given at Steinway Hall on Saturday evening resulted, as every one expected, in a gratifying success. The audience was delighted with the performances of the various artists, and the friends of Mr. Remack were equally satisfied with the generous purchase of tickets by the public. The proceeds amounted to about $2,000—a very material benefit to the family of the deceased.”
“The Remack memorial concert on Saturday evening was highly successful. We learn that the net receipts were about $3,000.”
Thousands of people attended the event. The audience was completely satisfied with the performances.
“On Saturday evening a ‘Memorial Concert,’ to the late Edmund Remack, took place in Steinway Hall. The attractions of the programme were suited to all tastes; there were piano solos, violin, and organ solos, instrumental duets, recitations, and a little operetta by Offenbach (!) called ‘Lieschen and Fritzchen,’ in which Mlle. Tostee and M. Dardignac were the actors. The programme opened the Marche Funebre from the Eroica Symphony and terminated with the organ solo from G.W. Morgan; its name I should prefer not to tell. Madame Agatha States, Mme. Lumley, Sig. Ronconi, Sigs. Randolphi [sic] and Pollak, Messrs. Mills and Pfeiffer (pianist), a part of Theo. Thomas’ orchestra, and the Mendelssohn Union contributed, in their several capacities, to the success of the entertainment, which must have result in pecuniary benefit to the family of Mr. Remack. I had nearly forgotten to say that two little children—Joanna [sic] and Willie Hess—played, in very neat and pretty style, a duo for piano and violin, which was received with unbounded applause.”