Irving Hall
Harvey Bradley Dodworth
Edward Mollenhauer [viola-vn]
Price: $1 reserved; $.50
Event Type:
Choral, Orchestral
Last Updated:
16 July 2019
Part of larger article reviewing multiple concerts. “A very large audience also attended the concert at Irving Hall. The Mendelssohn Orchestral Union gave the ‘Euryanthe’ overture, a Tannhauser fantasia, ‘Orpheus’ overture and one of Dodworth’s inimitable quicksteps in spirited style. Miss Rokohl, an amateur, sang a couple of selections from Beethoven and Lachner passably, and Mr. Arnold gave a satisfactory rendering of a violin fantasia by Vieuxtemps. Harvey Dodworth conducted.”
“Sunday concerts appear to have become a regular feature of our city amusements, though it is difficult to say whether they are pecuniarily remunerative. The friends of the artists are usually largely represented among the audiences, and artists’ friends are by no means celebrated for paying their way to such places. The music of the Sunday concerts given this season has usually been of a good class, the Irving Hall concerts under Mollenhauer, appealing more to the popular taste than those given at Steinway Hall by Mr. Thomas. At the former. The cornet player, Mr. Levy, has been the leading solo attraction. At the latter Mlle. Hoflé has won many admirers as a vocalist; and last Sunday night Mr. Frank Gilder gained deserved applause for his neatness and facility of execution on the piano-forte. These Sunday concerts are given at popular prices of admission, and bid fair to be permanent.”