Article on legal determination of orchestra size

Event Information

Cosmopolitan Hall [1869-

Carl Anschütz

Record Information


Last Updated:
23 July 2019

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

10 Apr 1869


Article: New York Clipper, 10 April 1869, 6.

“A case of some importance to musicians was decided in one of our courts on the 1st inst. Carl Anschutz signed an agreement some time ago with the proprietors of Cosmopolitan Hall to conduct an orchestre [sic; throughout] at that place every night in the week, and twice on Sunday, at a salary of $75 per week. The proprietors at the same time contracted with another party to furnish an orchestre of 22 pieces, and this orchestre Carl conducted three evenings, when six musicians were the next night missing, and Carl refused to conduct less than 20 or 22 men. These were not furnished, and Carl entered suit for his week’s salary. Defendants said there was no agreement as to the number of men for the orchestre, and that ten or twelve would answer; but the judge decided that Anschutz was not obliged to conduct an orchestre of less than 22 men, and rendered judgment in Carl’s favor for $75; with interest and costs.”