French Theatre
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Last Updated:
7 August 2019
Brief. “A performance of ‘Lucrezia Borgia,’ (the opera,) by the pupils of Professor Duschnitz, we also note, can be attended at the French Theatre.”
“Theatre Francais
This establishment, the acknowledged head and front of that dubious offending known as French opera bouffe, was last night made vocal with the strains of Italian opera by a company of amateurs. The opera was Donizetti’s ‘Lucretia Borgia,’ and the performance was given for the benefit of Miss Antoinette Leideker, a young lady of some musical promise and great ambition, for the purpose of enabling her to make her début, in conjunction with M. Berthold, who was also a debutant, and whose lyrical ambition is apparently even greater than that of Miss Antoinette Leideker. All the performers are pupils of Professor M. Duschnitz, and for amateurs acquitted themselves very creditably upon this their first appearance in public upon any stage. The opera, all things considered, was exceedingly well given, and all those taking part in its performance may felicitate themselves upon having done remarkably well for amateurs. The house was well filled with the friends and acquaintances of the débutants, but it would hardly be fair to subject either the prima donna or the tenor of the evening to the severe tests of rigid criticism. Suffice it to say that Miss Leideker has yet much room for improvement, although possessed of an agreeable and strong soprano voice, which at times betrays a little harshness, which, possibly may be overcome with a more thorough cultivation. She sang and acted, however, in a very cool and collected manner, and was several times encored. M. Berthold, the tenor, most decidedly carried off the honors of the evening, and, with Miss Leideker, was rapturously called before the curtain at the conclusion of the duet at the end of the first act. We understand that it is the intention of both débutants to adopt the lyrical stage as a profession; but we would recommend a longer course of study, especially for the lady, as she will find it quite a different thing when trying to please a cold, critical audience of strangers to what it is when singing surrounded by her personal friends.”
“The French Theatre was well filled on Saturday night by the friends of the pupils of Mr. Marco Duschnitz, who gave a creditable amateur performance of Donizetti’s ‘Lucrezia Borgia.’ The tenor, Mr. Berthold, is a young man with a fine stage presence, and a telling, robust voice. Miss Leidocker, the prima donna, is also richly gifted in vocal qualifications. The two sang with the freshness and vigor of youth, their faults which in time and practice will overcome, and there is no reason why this tenor and soprano should not win leading positions on the operatic stage. Mr. Duschnitz himself took the part of Alfonso, and Mrs. Holbrooke that of Orsini.”