Irving Hall
Price: $1
Event Type:
Chamber (includes Solo)
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
17 August 2019
“Mlle. Josefina Filomeno, the young lady violinist and pianist, gave her farewell concert last night at Irving Hall, and the lady must have felt considerably gratified with the really numerous and select audience gathered to wish her farewell. Mlle. Filomeno was assisted by Mr. [sic] Gist, soprano; Signor Paolicchi, bass; Señor Salcedo, cornet, and Mr. E. Hoffman, pianist. Mlle. Filomeno performed with Mr. Hoffman an overture to ‘William Tell’ and also a piano solo, a fantasia from ‘Moses.’ On the violin, Mlle [sic, no period] Filomena [sic] performed a grand concerto, and a fantasia from ‘Robert le Diable.’ In both piano and violin performances Mlle. Filomena [sic] exhibited great ability and she was vociferously applauded by the audience. Mrs. Gist sang very sweetly the ‘Arditi Waltz,’ and a selection from ‘Sonnambula.’ Signor Paolicchi gave three songs, the most acceptable being a selection from ‘Martha.’ Señor Salcedo’s performances on the cornet were creditable.”
“To-night, at Irving Hall, Josefina Filomeno gives a farewell concert, aided by Mrs. Gist, a new vocalist, Paolicchi, the basso, and Salcedo, the cornet-player.”
Brief. “Miss Josefina Filomeno will give her farewell concert this evening at Irving Hall.”
“Miss Josefina Filomeno gave a farewell concert last night at Irving Hall. The attendance was excellent, though the young lady’s support was poor. Mr. Salcedo contributed some indifferent cornet-playing, which seemed to be very much liked—probably because it made so much noise.”
“At Irving Hall [on Wednesday evening], Mlle Filomeno, the South American pianist and violinist, delighted a large audience with her excellent pianism and much less excellent violin playing. Mlle. F. [sic] has a beautiful touch, much rapidity of finger, and plays with a dash and verve which recall Gottschalk. Her performance of the ‘Banjo’ was brilliant and effective. As a violinist she is less satisfactory, for her tone in thin and sometimes scrappy. She was assisted by artists of more or less vocal reputation, and the programme was quite an enjoyable one.”