Musical-Literary Entertainment: William H. Pope Benefi

Event Information

Steinway Hall

Price: $1 reserved; $.50

Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal

Record Information


Last Updated:
18 October 2019

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

07 Jun 1869, Evening

Program Details

New York Times advertisement notes Pope “will recite the Raven, Bar, Bara Frietche, Shamus O’Brien, Dying Soldier, and Sheridan’s Ride” and will be “assisted by first-class dramatic and musical talent.”

Performers and/or Works Performed


Advertisement: New-York Times, 06 June 1869, 7.
Announcement: New York Post, 07 June 1869.

“Mr. W. H. Pope gives an entertainment at Steinway Hall to-night, which combines both musical and literary features. Mr. Pope will read or recite several favorite selections, and Miss Jenny Proudfoot will sing. Mr. W. R. Johnstone will preside at the organ.”

Announcement: New York Herald, 07 June 1869, 7.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 07 June 1869, 12.
Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 07 June 1869, 4.

“A programme of performances—for the benefit of Mr. William H. Pope—to be given at Steinway Hall, this evening, has found its way to our table. A kind word in advance may chance to assist this enterprise, which is to profit an ambitious, industrious, and talented young man. The musical part of the performance will be furnished by Mr. W. R. Johnstone, organist, Mr. Charles Anderson, tenor, and Mr. Arthur Ritner, pianist. Mr. Pope and his two sisters—Miss E. V. Proudfoot and Miss Jenny Proudfoot—will also appear. The latter is a soprano singer. The literary part of the entertainment comprises selections from ‘Macbeth’ and ‘The Love Chase.’ Comic songs will not be wanting. Altogether the occasion bids fair to be very pleasant.”

Advertisement: New-York Daily Tribune, 07 June 1869, 7.
Review: New York Sun, 09 June 1869, 2.

“Mr. W.H. Pope gave quite an agreeable entertainment at Steinway Hall, aided by Miss E.V. Proudfoot of Booth’s Theatre, her sister Miss Jenny Proudfoot, and several other artists. The hall was well filled with an appreciative audience. The great feature of the evening was the recitation of ‘Sheridan’s Ride’ by Mr. Pope, in the rendering of which spirited epic this gentleman has acquired his greatest reputation. The recitation of the letter scene from ‘Macbeth’ by Miss E.V. Proudfoot and the vocal selections by her sister were also received by the large audience with special favor.”