Event Information

Wallack's Theatre

Event Type:
Play With Music

Record Information


Last Updated:
8 February 2020

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

19 Jul 1869, 8:00 PM
20 Jul 1869, 8:00 PM
21 Jul 1869, 8:00 PM
22 Jul 1869, 8:00 PM
23 Jul 1869, 8:00 PM
24 Jul 1869, 2:00 PM
24 Jul 1869, 8:00 PM

Program Details

“DORA at 8 o’clock. BLACK-EYED SUSAN at 10.”

Performers and/or Works Performed

Text Author: Reade
Participants:  J. F. [actor] Cathcart (role: Farmer Allan);  Lizzie [actress] Price (role: Dora)


Advertisement: New York Herald, 18 July 1869, 12.

“Mr. J. F. Cathcart will make his first appearance at Wallack’s theatre [sic] to-morrow (Monday), July 19, in the character of Farmer Allan.”

Advertisement: New-York Times, 18 July 1869, 7.
Announcement: New York Herald, 19 July 1869, 6.

No mention of music.

Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 19 July 1869, 5.

No mention of music.

Review: New-York Daily Tribune, 20 July 1869, 8.

Positive review; no mention of music.

Review: New York Herald, 20 July 1869, 3.

Positive review; no mention of music.

Review: New-York Times, 20 July 1869, 4.

Positive review, and especially of Cathcart; no mention of music.

Review: New-York Times, 21 July 1869, 5.

Positive review; compares the performances to those of seventeenth-century Italians in France and remarks that audiences should show greater appreciation for Black-eyed Susan.

Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 21 July 1869, 5.

No mention of music; encourages readers to see this program before it is withdrawn at the end of the week

Announcement: New York Herald, 22 July 1869, 3.

“Mr. Frederick Robinson, who for the past month has been delighted our citizens with his clever impersonation of Farmer Allen, in the life-like drama of ‘Dora,’ seceded from Wallack’s on last Saturday evening, and has gone to St. Johns, N. B., to play a star engagement. His place at Wallack’s is at present ably filled by Mr. J. F. Cathcart.”

Announcement: New-York Times, 24 July 1869, 5.

No mention of music.

Advertisement: New York Clipper, 24 July 1869, 127.
Review: New York Clipper, 31 July 1869, 134.

Brief and positive review of Cathcart; no mention of music.