Tammany Hall

Event Information

Tammany Hall

Manager / Director:
Leonard Grover

Price: $.25 family circle

Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
28 June 2020

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

27 Dec 1869, 7:45 PM
28 Dec 1869, 7:45 PM
29 Dec 1869, 7:45 PM
30 Dec 1869, 7:45 PM

Program Details

Bad Dickey boasts new features this week: bell ringing, a fantasy on “Pop goes the weasel,” and a new farce entitled Don’t judge by appearances (although it is unclear if the farce was performed as a part of or separately from the burlesque).

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Arnold
Composer(s): Unknown composer
aka Cancan quadrille à la Clodoche; Clodoche can can
Composer(s): Unknown composer
Participants:  Charles [gymnast] Parker


Advertisement: New-York Times, 26 December 1869, 7.
Announcement: New York Sun, 27 December 1869, 2.
Advertisement: New-York Daily Tribune, 27 December 1869, 3.
Announcement: New York Herald, 27 December 1869, 5.

“Burlesques also reign at Tammany. The great wigwam under Mr. Grover’s management is fast recovering its former prestige. It has heretofore been regarded as the home of the ballet and pantomime, and is now seeking to gobble up the frothy extravagance of burlesque. ‘Bad Dickey,’ a travestie [sic] upon ‘Richard III,’ and a new farce are the attractions for this evening.”

Advertisement: New York Herald, 27 December 1869, 2.

Multiple large cards on the same page.

Review: New York Herald, 28 December 1869, 5.

“…This establishment is now regarded as the home of pantomime and the haven of the breezy ballet, and is even seeking to receive the remnants of bespangled burlesque into its friendly and capacious fold. How much of success will attend this last manœvre is impossible at present to determine; but, judging from the last effort—‘Bad Dickey,’ a clever musical travestie [sic] on ‘Richard III,’—it looks as though a winning step had been taken in the right direction.” Positive review thereafter; no mention of music.

Announcement: New York Clipper, 01 January 1870, 310.


Review: New York Clipper, 08 January 1870, 318, col. 3.

“…During the past week Charles Parker gave his comic high stilt performance in the second act, and it caused considerable laughter and gave satisfaction. Instead of singing a la Tyrolean, a burlesque bell ringing act was substituted. [Notes other new, non-musical substitutions in Bad Dickey.] …‘Bad Dickey’ is so much better done now than during its first week that a most enjoyable evening’s amusement is offered the patrons of the Tammany.”