“Dan Bryant’s new Song . . . O, I’d be a Soger Boy.”
Announcement:New York Clipper, 09 May 1863, 27.
“There’s to be a ‘Row at Lannigan’s [sic] Ball’ this week, at Bryant’s, and there will be a large attendance to see the ‘Row.’”
Announcement:New York Clipper, 09 May 1863, 27.
Unrelated to this show, but important nonetheless.“By the way, the New Bowery adopts the Bryant Minstrel plan of reserving the front part of the parquet for those who have ladies with them.Why cannot the patrons of the reserved seat system shirk the speculators, and do likewise?”
Advertisement:New York Herald, 09 May 1863, 12.
Announcement:New York Clipper, 16 May 1863, 38.
[From City Summary, dated May 8.]“Bryants Minstrels promise a fine programme for the week ending May 11th.”