Wallack's Theatre
Proprietor / Lessee:
Lester Wallack
Manager / Director:
Lester Wallack
John Gilbert [actor]
Thomas Baker
Event Type:
Play With Music
Last Updated:
16 August 2020
“With the ending of next week Mr. John E. Owens’ successful engagement at Wallack’s comes to an end, and the theatre closes for a few days to permit of necessary repairs preparatory to opening for the regular season. The theatre will reopen on or about the 16th inst., with a new sensation and with most of the old favorites in the cast. The members of the Wallackian company are to assemble at the theatre on next Monday.”
Full cast list. “THE NEW APPEARANCES will comprise:— Mr. CHARLES WYNDHAM, from the principal London Theatres. Miss MADELINE HENRIQUES, her first appearance in two years. Miss LOUISA MOORE, from the principal London theatres.”
A long advertisement that lists every member of Wallack’s company and administration for the forthcoming “regular season,” which begins with the performance on 09/15/69 of Sheridan’s School for scandal.
No mention of music, but calls the reopening of Wallack’s “the event of the week.”
“An army of artisans are at work in the Wallackian temple, preparing things for the opening to-morrow night. The great wooden chairs in the parquet have been removed and neat iron circular seats have been substituted in their place, and the auditorium in many other respects has been vastly improved. The theatre will be handsomely redecorated, and will look as bright upon the ‘opening night’ as a new pin.”
“The opening performance of the Fall and Winter season at Wallack’s Theatre, takes place to-night.” Full cast given.
No mention of music. Includes transcript of address that Wallack gave at the end of the performance.
Long review. “…Mr. Matthison sung [sic] with good effect the old song sung in this play from the time of Braham…”
Notes changes made to theater. Long review; no mention of music.