Tammany Hall
Price: $.50 all parts of the house
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
22 August 2020
“Mr. James Mace is the hero of the hour. Monday he was fèted by Hon. John Morrissey, and Friday he was one of a party entertained by Cornelius Vanderbilt, Esq. His visit to the United States is likely to be a pleasant as well as a profitable one.”
– “FAMILIES, TAKE NOTICE.—The iron balcony chairs in the grand tier, superior in location and equal in all respects to the two dollar seats at the academies and theatres, can be secured at the Tammany Box Office at FIFTY CENTS EACH.”
Notes the program features “a variety of vocalists and dancers.”
“…Mr. Mace appears in the middle of the evening. A few minutes before the curtain rises the lights are turned down and several bars of music, in agitato time, are heard. The drop rolled up discloses a series of screens covered with maroon cloth… Recumbent on the platform is a tall figure of superb lines and white in every part as if hewn from Parian marble… as the musicians strike up it becomes instinct with life, freezing every now and then into sculptural significance. First we behold Hercules struggling with the lion and overcoming him. The club disappears, the active strength subsides, and a stalwart Roman stoops to fasten his sandal…” Continues description of different “stautes;” positive but no further mention of music.
States that Markham will appear as “Ixion” at her benefit, but advertisement of same day makes no mention of this.
Two separate announcements. The first notes the Markham benefit and states she will next join the Lydia Thompson troupe. The second announces the debut of James Mace.
“Tammany was in a blaze of glory on Saturday evening last, when various colored brilliant lights illuminated Fourteenth street, and fireworks and music gave a sort of 4th of July aspect to the surruondings…” No further mention of music. Two separate paragraphs on the same page review James Mace’s performance and the Markham benefit; neither with mention of music.“Tammany was in a blaze of glory on Saturday evening last, when various colored brilliant lights illuminated Fourteenth street, and fireworks and music gave a sort of 4th of July aspect to the surruondings…” No further mention of music. Two separate paragraphs on the same page review James Mace’s performance and the Markham benefit; neither with mention of music.