Steinway Hall
Manager / Director:
Max Strakosch
Max Maretzek
Price: $1; extra $.50 for reserved seat
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
5 December 2020
“The programme for to-night is particularly rich in gems. Patti is put down for the ‘Nightingale,’ a song composed for her by Muzio and to be sung by her for the first time in this country, and a delightful waltz by Ritter. S. B. Mills, the favorite pianist, will play a duet with Theodore Ritter, for two pianos. This will undoubtedly be a treat. The trio from ‘Lombardi,’ by Patti, Habelmann, and Herrmanns, with violin obligato accompaniment by Mr. Prume, completes the rarest part of the programme.”
“New York. Oct. 18 “During the present week Mlle. Patti will give three concerts in this city. She will be assisted by Ritter, Prume, Habelmann, Hermanns (Basso) and Max Maretzek’s interesting orchestra. The first series (of nine or ten concerts) was very successful, pecuniary, and there is no reason to doubt that the second series will be ditto, if not more so.”
“The last of the series of Patti concerts was given here last night. The large hall was completely filled with such an audience as common seldom tempt from social gayeties, and whose presence simply was a tribute to the character of the entertainment. It would be difficult to recall any recent series of concerts that have been crowned with equal success. The programme was an attractive one, including, in addition to Patti, the names of several popular and accomplished artists, as Messrs. Mills and Ritter, Mr. Prume, Herr Herrmanns and Ronconi. Patti sang the bolero from ‘The Sicilian Vespers,’ a waltz by Ritter and a trio from ‘I Lombardi,’ and upon encore an exquisite laughing character piece. Her wonderful voice and faultless execution inspired an enthusiasm of encores that broke through all the rules and compelled constant repetition. It is to be hoped the absence may not be protracted of the only great singer the metropolitan public has heard this long while.”
“Mlle. Patti sang again at Steinway Hall, last evening, to the delight of an audience that filled the place. The bolero from ‘I Vespri Sicilliani’ was her first piece and was repeated in deference to a storm of applause, the cessation of which, seemingly, was not to be secured in any other way. She afterward rendered a waltz, ‘La Festa,’ by Ritter, and executed, in response to the inevitable recall, Auber’s ‘Laughing Song,’ which is not likely to be hereafter of the repertory of many artistes. The remainder of the programme was unusually interesting, though it would be superfluous to refer to it in detail. Its most novel feature was the andante and scherzo from Ritter’s second sonata, performed by the author and by Mr. S. B. Mills. It would have been pleasant to compare the characteristics of the two pianist, but their respective parts were so nicely balanced that no fair contrast could be made. Mr. Mills’ clear and powerful touch and Mr. Ritter’s dainty and rather vague method of expression were both heard to excellent advantage.”
“New York. Oct 25.There have been three Patti concerts during the past week, which seem to have been quite as successful musically and pecuniarily as were the initial ones. Mlle Patti executes her wonderful roulades and cadenzas with the same ease and grace. Habelmann has not improved; Prume plays decidedly better than he did at the opening concert, and the orchestra unmistakably bad. (It has also been reduced in size). M. Ritter is an admirable artists, and his quiet, gentlemanly manner of playing is something quite stupefying to audiences hitherto accustomed to clap-trap displays and monkey tricks with the keys. The Patti troupe starts for a very extended Western tour about Nov. 1st, and will probably visit Utah and California before returning to this city.”