Tammany Hall

Event Information

Tammany Hall

Price: $.50; reserved orchestra circle, $.50

Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
10 April 2021

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

11 Jan 1869, 7:30 PM
12 Jan 1869, 7:30 PM
13 Jan 1869, 7:30 PM
14 Jan 1869, 7:30 PM
15 Jan 1869, 7:30 PM
16 Jan 1869, 2:00 PM
16 Jan 1869, 7:30 PM

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Clarke
aka Terrific trapeze; Swinging trapeze
Participants:  Senyahs Trapeze Artists


Advertisement: New York Herald, 10 January 1869, 12.

Tammany Hall features Ernee Clarke author of “Tommy Dodd” and other popular songs; Senyahs, trapeze artists.

Advertisement: New-York Times, 11 January 1869, 7.
Announcement: New York Herald, 11 January 1869, 5.
Review: New York Post, 13 January 1869.

“The Tammany. Up to the present date, the managers of this new enterprise have no reason to complain of the coldness of the public, for their extensive place of entertainment has been crowded every night. The Senyaha, in their trapeze feats, were still the most popular feature of the varied programme. The ballet is fair, and composed of young ladies each of whom can boast the ‘fatal gift of beauty,’ while Bonfanti adds to the grace and skill of a genuine Terpsichorean artist. Punch and Judy are excessively funny, and the reader of ‘The Old Curiosity Shop,’ on seeing them, will be reminded of the episode of the travelling show of Messrs. Codling and Short. The entrances to Tammany need some further improvements, and the smoking room is not a very attractive affair, chiefly from its proximity to the main entrances. As we before remarked, there is nothing in the performances at Tammany that need deter ladies from attending and a matinee will be given on Saturday for their especial benefit.”

Advertisement: New York Clipper, 16 January 1869, 327.
Announcement: New York Sun, 16 January 1869, 2.