Young Men’s Christian Association Hall
Price: $.50
Last Updated:
14 August 2021
“Mr. J. Levy continues to bid the public farewell. Since Mr. Crummules’ assumption of Nicholas Nickleby’s privilege of leave-taking, there have been few performances more protracted. But as long as the ceremony is productive of good concerts there is no reason to complain of its length. Mr. Levy gave a second farewell soirée yesterday, and its quality was too satisfactory altogether to allow fault-finding with its title. Miss Anna Mehlig was at the piano, Messrs. Morgan and Mora at the organ, and Mr. Werner at the violoncello, while Mr. Randolfi and Mrs. Kempton sang, and Mr. Levy gave the cornet-à-piston it usual conspicuousness. The programme was too liberal to allow of its recapitulation here. Those portions of it interpreted by Miss Mehlig and Mr. Levy were especially successful, though the kind of pleasure afforded by the two artists differs materially. Miss Mehlig’s playing is delicate and perfect, but relatively cold and not as vigorous as we would desire. Chopin’s Scherzo in B minor was first given by her, and, though the pianist was recalled, it was hardly a meritorious effort. Liszt’s campanella which followed was rendered, however, with much finish, and the same composer’s transcription of motives from Mendelssohn’s ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ established as one of Miss Mehlig’s most brilliant pieces, taxed with the best result the resources of a noble instrument. Mr. Levy contributed two numbers, and was recalled after each. We cannot go into further details as to the remainder of the bill, though we would suggest that the organ was made somewhat too prominent, and became painfully so when used in accompanying, with absurd effects, Robaudi’s ‘Stella Confidante [Confidente].’”