Performance Date(s) and Time(s)
13 Jun 1870, All Day
Program Details
D. L. Dowling, Orchestral Agent.
The order of the rehearsal was as follows:
“All the Orchestra and Military Bands,” 9:30am.
“Artists and Operatic Choruses engaged in the program of Tuesday afternoon,” 11:30am.
“All the Choral Societies and Choruses,” 2pm.
Performers and/or Works Performed
Advertisement: New York Herald, 11 June 1870, 7.
Card listing all rehearsals remaining before the festival begins. “On Monday morning, at 9½ o’clock, all the orchestra and bands for rehearsal of orchestral numbers. Musicians from Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York will please be prompt.” Additional card on the same page specifically for this rehearsal.
Advertisement: New-York Times, 13 June 1870, 7.
Lists rehearsal schedule as provided in the Program Details. “N.B.—All rehearsals to-day will take place at the Coliseum Building, corner of 3d.-av. And 63d-st. A PROMT ATTENDANCE IS REQUESTED FROM EVERYBODY.”