Cuban Benefit Concert

Event Information

Steinway Hall

Giovanni [pianist, conductor] Aberle

Price: $1, including reserved

Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal

Record Information


Last Updated:
12 March 2022


Advertisement: New York Herald, 17 April 1870, 9.

“For the benefit of the Cubans.”

Advertisement: New-York Times, 17 April 1870, 7.
Announcement: New York Herald, 18 April 1870, 7.

Brief. Lists participants.

Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 21 April 1870, 5.

“Of impending musical entertainments in addition to those we announced the other day, we must call attention to a concert for the benefit of the Cubans, advertised to take place to-morrow evening at Steinway Hall, when Miss Phillipps, Signor Ferranti, Mr. Werner, and other artists will appear.”

Review: New York Herald, 23 April 1870, 7.

“The smallest audience that we ever saw in this hall attended a concert given last night for the benefit of the Cubans. Miss Adelaide Phillips, Henrietta Beebe, Romeyne [sic], Ferranti, Randolfi, Werner, Palmer, Mora and Aberle (a very clever pianist) assisted in the concert. Bach, Verdi, Gounod, Meyerbeer, Rossini, Mozart, Donizetti and Gottschalk furnished the programme. The singing and playing were worthy of a better audience.”

Review: New-York Times, 23 April 1870, 5.

“A very small audience attended the concert for the benefit of the Cubans at Steinway Hall last evening. Pictorial art was outraged by a representation on canvas of a Cuban patriot, shown on stage; but music was honored by the efforts of Miss Adelaide Phillips, Miss Henrietta Beebe, Signor Ferranti, Signor Werner, and Signor Randolfi. Much enthusiasm,—an astonishing allowance, indeed, considering the diminutiveness of its source—prevailed, but the talent and industry of the artists made it quite justifiable. Signor Aberle conducted.”

Review: New York Post, 23 April 1870, 2.

At the conclusion of an announcement for the performance at Steinway Hall on 04/24/70: “…we may expect that Steinway Hall to-morrow night will not present the gloomy, almost untenanted appearance it did last night, when a good concert, in aid of the Cubans, was given to a mere handful of auditors.”