Performance Date(s) and Time(s)
09 May 1870, Evening
10 May 1870, Evening
11 May 1870, Evening
12 May 1870, Evening
13 May 1870, Evening
14 May 1870, Evening
Performers and/or Works Performed
aka Rival coal heavers
Announcement: New York Sun, 09 April 1870, 2.
Advertisement: New York Herald, 08 May 1870, 8.
Announcement: New York Herald, 09 May 1870, 7.
"John Hart is a new feature on Kelly & Leon’s bill.”
Announcement: New York Clipper, 14 May 1870, 46.
“While a portion of Kelley [sic] and Leon’s minstrels have gone on a traveling tour, the company at the hall in this city will be strengthened by the first appearance this evening of J. T. Gaynor, C. R. Clinton, James Clarke and Francis Violo.”
Review: New York Clipper, 21 May 1870, 54.
“…Dave Wilson, on the end with Johnny Hart, receiving an encore for their end songs.”