Says, “to-morrow evening,” which would have been Wednesday.
Advertisement:Courrier des États-Unis, 13 May 1863.
List of performers and prices.
Announcement:New York Herald, 13 May 1863, 7.
Says, “this evening,” which would have been Wednesday.
Announcement:Courrier des États-Unis, 14 May 1863.
“Madame de Lussan gives a musical evening today at Dodworth Hall, where she will be heard with an entourage of artists that the public rarely has the occasion to find assembled on the same program.The selected pieces were borrowed from the most popular composers and in a manner combined to marry variety with talent.Mme de Lussan is one of those unassuming artists of serious talent that one must at any time take the occasion to go and hear and applaud.”
Advertisement:New York Herald, 14 May 1863, 7.
“Coletti, by kind permission of Mr. Maretzek.”
Announcement:New York Herald, 14 May 1863, 4.
Says, “this evening,” which would have been Thursday.