Arion Gesangverein Festival

Event Information

Terrace Garden

Carl Bergmann

Event Type:
Choral, Orchestral

Record Information


Last Updated:
9 July 2022

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

30 Jul 1870, Evening

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Reichardt [composer]
aka Wo such ein Feuer; Mannergesange, voices (4), S. 72. Rheinweinlied
Composer(s): Liszt
Text Author: Herwegh
Composer(s): Neithardt


Review: New York Herald, 31 July 1870, 7.

“The ‘jolly Arionites’ had a grand display last evening at the Terrace Garden, Third avenue, Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth streets. It was the second summer night’s festival of the society for the season, and the well earned popularity of the Arion insured a large attendance of its friends. The grounds were handsomely illuminated, and Carl Bergmann’s orchestra did honor to its reputation by the artistic performance of operatic and concert music. The several songs rendered by the chorus of the Arion were selected with reference to the most exciting question of the day, the Franco-German war; and no one need doubt that the patriotic feelings of the German people were duly reflected. ‘Was ist das Deutschen Vaterland?’ the Rhine song of Liszt, ‘Ich bin ein Preusse,’ &c., and several other similar compositions, were sung with precision and with well trained voices, though the want of thorough rehearsing made itself felt. The weather was delightful and added much to the general enjoyment.”