Kelly and Leon's Minstrels Hall (8/70 and later)
Price: $.50
Event Type:
Last Updated:
15 July 2022
Alterations to the hall; to re-open August 22.
“This well known and popular troupe of minstrels made their first appearance in their new hall, at Nos. 806 and 808 Broadway, last night. The place is not yet quite finished, but enough is completed to show that it will be a comfortable, cosey and pleasant little resort. The company engaged is in every respect a good one, Kelly and Leon themselves being, as the saying is, ‘a whole team.’ The principal feature of the performance last night was the new comic opera of ‘Le Petit Faust,’ which was given in admirable style, Kelly playing the part of Dr. Faust and Leon that of Marguerite. Everything went off in fine style; shouts of laughter encouraged the minstrels to go on with the feast of fun they presented; many of the songs and dances were heartily encored, and the first night of Kelly & Leon’s minstrels in their new hall may be considered a success.”
“Kelly & Leon’s Minstrels opened their new hall at No. 806 Broadway on Monday, Aug. 29th, to a house crowded in every part. The auditorium presented a very neat and cheerful appearance and has been fitted up with a deal of taste. The programme for the week has consisted of the usual first part, followed by the ‘Only Leon’ in an act entitled ‘Follie Dramatique,’ a bone solo by Dave Wilson very skillfully rendered, the Masters George and Willie Guy in a double song and dance entitled ‘Croquet,’ and Messrs. Purdy and Meyring appeared as the serialists. The entertainment concluded with the comic opera entitled ‘Le Petit Faust,’ in which Edwin Kelly played Dr. Faust and Leon, Marguerite. The company, as at present organized, consists of the following performers:--Edwin Kelly, Dave Wilson, Master Harry Cawthorne, Lewis Fink, S. S. Purdy, J. B. Carter, J. H. Surridge, George Guy, Masters George and Willie Guy, George Granville, F. Vole and Sam Price. Mr. E. C. Wright is the treasurer and business manager. The large windows in the rear wall of the stage afford a fine draft of air, which is unobstructed during the first part.”