Young Men’s Christian Association Hall
William Berge
Event Type:
Last Updated:
16 October 2022
Program. “Dr. William Berge will preside at the organ.”
“A large and fashionable audience of the most marked character assembled at Association Hall on Tuesday night bore significant evidence of the popularity of this vocal society. It is by no means an easy undertaking to attract such a first class audience to a concert during the dogdays, but the programme and its rendering fully compensated the patrons of the society for their attendance. The main feature was, of course, the brilliant and artistic organ playing of Dr. William Berge, conductor of the society, and beneath his magic touch the noble instrument became instinct with life. The brilliant overture to ‘Gazza Ladra’ and that of the ‘Poet and Peasant’ received full justice at his hands. The concert commenced with a choral, ‘Preghiera,’ by Marchetti, which was followed by the vocal waltz ‘L’Ardita.’ The ‘Angels’ Trio,’ from ‘Elijah,’ was superbly sung, every lovely melodic phrase being imbued with all the tenderness and expression it required. The quartet and chorus ‘S’Aprèssan,’ from ‘Nabucco,’ was a severe test of the training of the society, but they stood it well. There was, indeed, little to be desired in the rendering of the entire programme, and Mr. John A. Godfrey, president, and Dr. Berge, director of the society, may congratulate themselves on the success of the past season.”