Bryant's Opera House (W. 23d St.)
James Morrison
Event Type:
Last Updated:
31 August 2023
Opening of the regular fall and winter season; names of company members.
“Bryants’ Minstrels inaugurated their fall and winter season at their hall, in Twenty-third street, near Sixth avenue, on Sept. 4th, with the company as published in our last issue. The auditorium was well filled. The first part was composed entirely of fresh selections, and Monroe Dempster, Dave Reed, W. F. Stanley, Dan Bryant and J. A. Barney were all heard to good advantage. In part second, W. Henry Rice, burlesque prima donna, sang ‘Beware.’ McAndrews performed the familiar act of ‘Pastimes on the Levee.’ Dan Bryant appeared as a German vocalist and detailed the mysteries of ‘Seven Up’ vocally; Morrissey and Emerson, new comers, performed a song and dance, which was favorably received, and several Ethiopian sketches filled out the programme, Nelse Seymour, Little Mac , Dan Bryant and McAndrews being the chief features therein.”