Bryants’ Minstrels

Event Information

Bryant's Opera House (W. 23d St.)

James Morrison

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
1 September 2023

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

11 Sep 1871, 8:00 PM
12 Sep 1871, 8:00 PM
13 Sep 1871, 8:00 PM
14 Sep 1871, 8:00 PM
15 Sep 1871, 8:00 PM
16 Sep 1871, 8:00 PM

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Song of the day dreamer
Composer(s): Glover
Text Author: Crawford
aka Ole grey goose, De


Advertisement: New-York Times, 11 September 1871, 7.
Review: New York Sun, 14 September 1871, 2.

“The season of minstrelsy at Bryant’s cosy Opera House on Twenty-third st. has fairly opened with a grand flourish of trumpets. The prestige which accompanies the name of Bryant is an enviable one in the records of Ethiopian minstrelsy. The company, as it appears at present, is, if possible, of a finer general character than those heretofore presented by the management. The inimitable Dan is a host in himself, and peals upon peals of uproarious laughter greet his comic efforts at negro delineation. Little Mac is a bunch of concentrated fun, [illegible] and active as a monkey and not a [whitless?] comical in his astounding evolutions. The programme presented is replete with exaggerated humor, and the crowds that nightly flock to the Opera House come forth in the greatest good humor.”

Announcement: New York Clipper, 23 September 1871, 198.