Lina Edwin's Theatre
Price: $1; $.50 reserved seat
Event Type:
Last Updated:
10 October 2023
For originally scheduled date of Friday, October 6.
Postponed from Friday, October 6, to Monday, because of the illness of Albert Julien, who was scheduled to sing Piquillo.
“Mlle. Aimée’s opera bouffe company opened last evening at Lina Edwin’s Theatre, in Broadway, with Offenbach’s opera of ‘La Pèrichole.’ Owing to the continued indisposition of M. Julien, M. Fernand Noe took the part of Piquillo, and made a highly-favorable impression, both as an actor and vocalist. With a pleasing person and good voice, M. Noe can hardly fail to become a favorite. Mlle. Aimée was warmly welcomed, and played with even more than her usual archness and vivacity. The air in which she bids good-bye to Piquillo was most charmingly given, and was deservedly encored. Want of space prevents our giving a more extended notice, but we may add that Mlle. Aimée’s company is a strong one, and, judging from the reception of its initial performance by the large audience present last evening, likely to receive a very large share of patronage.”
“The revival of opéra bouffe at this cosey little establishment on Monday evening proved conclusively that Offenbach’s sparkling music has still its charms for a host of admirers. Mlle. Aimée as La Périchole was as vivacious and engaging as ever, and her interpretation of a rôle so popular was marked by characteristic sprightliness, feeling and a thorough comprehension and display of the various elements necessary for its successful performance. She was sustained by Fernand Noe as Pequillo and a well-trained company. Taking into account the limited dimensions of the stage, ‘Le Périchole’ was creditably presented.”