Event Information
Irving Hall
David Graham
Price: $.50; 25, children under 15
Event Type:
Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal
Record Information
Last Updated:
1 October 2013
Performance Date(s) and Time(s)
13 Apr 1863, 7:30 PM
Program Details
Drum Major Graham, 7th Regiment, dir. of two pieces
Program included a mixture of musical works and recitations and dialogs.
1. Josephine Pollard: “Loved ones at home†(chorus)
2. Recitation: “On the Times†(Master Sterling)
3. Song, “Robin’s red breast†(Barker)
4. “The Arab’s Farewell to His [illeg.] (Walker)
5. “The pic nic†[sic] (chorus)
6. Dialogue (Fanny and Mary)
7. Recitation
8. Duet for flute and guitar (N. and H. Clark)
9. Recitation: “The Leap for Lifeâ€
10. E. Miller (music)/S.S. Nash (lyrics): “Anniversary anthem†(Written for
this occasion) (chorus)
11. “Drummer’s call and, The†(Camp Quickstep) (R. Reynolds, H. Clark, Gerard, Lewis – under the baton of Graham)
12. Recitation: “The Charge of the Light Brigade†(Walker)
13. “Spring buds sweet are blooming†(chorus)
14. Dialogue: “Laughing versus Crying,†A. D. Monroe, author (Murphy and George)
15. Recitation: J. Pollard, “Youthful Aspirations†(Little Cora)
16-18. Recitations, Little Frankie, Master Fleming, Little Rena
19. E. Miller: “Easter carol†(chorus)
20. Recitation: “The Sneak in School†(Walker)
21. George Baker: “Why do summer roses fade?†(Dolbear)
22. Recitation in Sign Language: “The Lord’s Prayer,†with Introductory Remarks by Rev. Dr. Gallaudet.
23. Presentation of Virginia Gallaudet Certificates Rewards of Merit
24. “Finale-Tattoo†(R. Reynolds, F. Reynolds, Gerard, N. Clark, H. Clark, Lewis, Glover, Blackwell – Graham directing)
Performers and/or Works Performed
aka Arab's farewell to his steed
Composer(s): Blockley
aka Pic nic, The;
Composer(s): Thomas
Composer(s): Unknown composer
Conductor: Graham, David
aka Why do summer roses fade?
Composer(s): Barker
Conductor: Graham, David
Advertisement: New York Herald, 13 April 1863, 7.
Difficult to read. Musical performances are interspersed with recitations by Dudley Walker and dialogues by other students.