Grand Opera House
Manager / Director:
Carl Bergmann
David L. Downing
Price: $.50; $1 reserved seat
Event Type:
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
1 November 2023
“There is no occasion to speak at length of the Sunday concerts at the Grand Opera House. They are given with unswerving regularity, and can be commended without reserve to the admirers of instrumental music played by a capital band. If the manager of these affairs would but increase the number and quality of the vocal solos supplied, he would not, in our opinion, have occasion to regret his liberality. On the other hand, the present programmes are applauded by very large assemblages, and we are bound to say that the prospects are that in a few months hence, the recitals by the musicians of the Ninth will be so satisfying, that we need not look to Europe for more effective or finished work.”