Academy of Music
Carl Bergmann
Event Type:
Last Updated:
10 February 2024
“The second rehearsal for the fourth Philharmonic concert was held yesterday afternoon at the Academy. Ritter’s symphony, as its qualities unfold, in the progress of the rehearsals, promises to be interesting. The second movement, the allegretto, is formed on a very beautiful and poetic theme, and there is a fine dignity and melancholy in the third, an andante. The first and last movements, so far as may be judged from the yet imperfect performance, are less pleasing. Liszt’s ‘Préludes Symphonique’ is mystic, erratic, and dreamy, like so much of his composition, but has far more of coherent melody and definite intention than usual with him. It is not only a pleasing but a poetic composition, and well worth a place on the Philharmonic prorgamme. The ‘Coriolanus’ overture is too well known to require comment.”