Steinway's Rooms
Price: $1.50
Event Type:
Chamber (includes Solo)
Last Updated:
17 February 2024
“Messrs. Damrosch and Pruckner gave their fourth soirée at Steinway’s Rooms on Monday evening, March 4, with the following programme [see above].
‘Mignon’ claimed my attention that evening, but I remained long enough to hear the Beethoven Trio, and felt richly repaid for so doing. The three players entered well into the spirit of the work; and that they understand each other thoroughly was evidently [sic]—particularly in the Largo, where the piano, violin and ‘cello hold strange converse like three mysterious spirits. Here the instruments were nicely balanced and the performance of this passage, with the charming Scherzo which follows, and indeed of the whole Trio, was very satisfactory.”