Chambers' Warerooms
Performance Forces:
Instrumental, Vocal
Last Updated:
3 March 2024
“The Messrs. Chambers on Friday night gave one of their agreeable musical soirees, at their warerooms in Fourth avenue. The performers were quite numerous and comprise a few well-known artists together with some amateurs of marked ability, mainly pupils of Mr. Alberto Lawrence. Among the vocalists were Miss Finch, a contralto, who is improving rapidly, made a genuine success, showing in the variety of her selections a versatility rarely found among more mature artists; Mr. E. J. Post who possesses a manly baritone voice with power and timbre and fair cultivation and who sang the ‘White Squall,’ ‘The Heart Bowed Down,‘ and took his part in concerted music with taste and expression; Mrs. Johnson a good soprano who on Friday night was suffering from a cold; and Mr. Marinner a promising amateur tenor. The list of instrumentalists included Messrs. Alfred H. Pease, Gueli, Sawyer, Wm. Adrian Smith, Wattles, Hallam and Mora.”