Manager / Director:
Charley White
Price: $.50 parquet; $.75 orchestra chair; $.25 gallery; $4 private box
Event Type:
Last Updated:
10 May 2024
“The minstrel hall opened for the season last evening, and presented to the public entertainment of very respectable merit. Mr. Henry sings a song, ‘Little Robin, Tell Kitty I’m coming,’ which is worth hearing more than once. The end men are good, and their buffoonery contains rather more than the usual percentage of new jokes, with many good old ones. ‘That Dog,’ a burlesque tragedy, in two acts, is the principal scene, and is very amusing in the broad vein of minstrel hall humor. A comic vocal quartet, by White, Schoolcraft, Campbell and Prescott, is greeted with tremendous applause. The rest of the entertainment is lively and interesting, and Charley White has doubtless begun a very successful season.”