Steinway's Rooms
Price: $1
Event Type:
Chamber (includes Solo)
Last Updated:
2 June 2024
“The smaller hall of Steinway’s was pretty well filled yesterday afternoon, when Mr. J.H. Bonawitz commenced his second and last piano recital. The programme was one calculated to interest every musician, consisting of [see above]. Mr. Bonawitz, whom we were the first to recommend to the American public, is one of those pianists that gain on the public the more frequently they are heard. He brings to each work he essays—and for versatility no performance could be more diversified than the one just mentioned—all the culture of a thorough artist and a conscientious player. He aims at no sensational effects but contents himself with losing his individuality in the characteristics of each work. Therefore, to the true musician, Mr. Bonawitz is always a welcome guest in a concert, and his career in this city cannot fail to be one of unvarying success. Mrs. Henry C. Watson sang during the recital two of her husband’s compositions. Mr. Bonawitz should extend these piano recitals to the end of the musical season.”