Steinway Hall
Manager / Director:
Max Strakosch
S. Behrens
Price: $1.50; $1 gallery; $2-$3 reserved seat
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
5 October 2024
“The last of the Patti-Mario concerts to occur before the company visits Hartford, where they appear Thursday, and Boston, where they are to be heard on Saturday, was given at Steinway Hall last evening. The programme was as liberal and as varied as usual, but generous as it was it scarcely seemed to satisfy, for a repetition of every number was demanded. Without entering into as copious details as the magnitude and quality of the performance actually warrant, we may mention that Miss Patti was at her best in Benedict’s variations on ‘Le Carnaval de Venise;’ that Signor Mario sang with unimpeachable elegance and sentiment the well-known romance form ‘Gli Ugonoti,’ commencing with the recitative ‘Presso al castel;’ and that M. Sauret’s precise and spirited execution was made clearer than ever by a dashing delivery of Vieuxtemps’ ‘Polonaise,’ and a faultless and most effective recital of Paganini’s ‘Witches’ Dance.’ Miss Cary, Signor Ronconi and Mlle. Carreño co-operated, as heretofore, in the entertainment.”
“Steinway Hall last night was again the home of music in the farewell concert of the Strakosch troupe before their departure for Hartford and Boston. All the members of the company appeared to advantage. Young M. Sauret played two difficult pieces very brilliantly, the ‘Ballade and Polonaise’ of Vieuxtemps and the ‘Witches Dance’ of Paganini. Mlle. Carreño performed a composition of Mendelssohn’s with great effect, though evidently under constraint for a time by reason of the presence of the great Rubinstein, who applauded her warmly. Miss Cary won all hearts by her pure, fresh voice and earnest feeling, and was called back with emphasis. Carlotta Patti and Signor Mario repeated almost exactly their enchantments of the former concerts, and the short season came to a very brilliant conclusion.”