Image of Tim Hayes and biographical information.“Hayes was born in the city of Dublin, Ireland, September 22d, 1841.At five years of age he left his native place and went to Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng., where he first commenced to learn the art of clog dancing. . . . In 1860, he crossed the big pond and came to this country to make his debut at the Melodeon Music Hall, Broadway, New York, where he remained one week.He then went into the minstrel business, commencing with Hooley & Campbell’s at Niblo’s Saloon.Here he remained six months . . . and is at present with M.C. Campbell’s Minstrels.As a clog dancer, Mr. Hayes is a very clever artist.”
Announcement:New York Clipper, 06 June 1863, 59.
Image of Dick Sands and biographical information.“Dick Sands, the justly celebrated clog dancer.Mr. Sands was born May 2d, 1840, in Berstal, Yorkshire, England; he arrived in this country on the 2 of March 1858; and made his first appearance on any stage in January 1859, with Bryant’s Minstrels. . . . [Appeared with other Minstrel companies and returned briefly] to Bryants’ Minstrels. . . . At present with M.C. Campbell’s Minstrels. . . . His dancing is characterized by neatness, grace, and artistic skill, and he is considered as one of the best artists in his peculiar line now upon the stage.He is gentlemanly in his deportment, both on and off the boards, and his unassuming manners and artistic abilities have won for him a large number of friends and admirers.”
Advertisement:New York Clipper, 20 June 1863, 80.
COMMENT: This ad has not changed since the 06/01/63 entry, but the performers and pieces have changed according to NYH 06/15/63-06/20/63.This ad lists the following performers who are not listed in other sources for this week: The Unfortunate (pantomime); C. De Vere; M. Baptistan; W. Clarke; P. Butler; M. Thompson; L. Barnard; and S. Linsley.
Announcement:New York Clipper, 20 June 1863, 75.
“At the New Idea, Marietta Zanfretta continues to be one of the principal attractions by her graceful movements upon the tight rope.The management offer this week the celebrated Irish comedian Mr. J. Doherty, whose comic songs are said to have the merit of being entirely original.Mr. J. H. Budworth and Little Frank also appear this week in Ethiopian burlesques. Mr. J. Redden, an Ethiopian comedian, also made his formal bow this week.”
AD with review from Sunday Dispatch.“‘The management deserve a ‘special notice’ for the variety of their performances.The programmes are so varied as to present something new every night.Hence the crowded houses all last week. . . . The orchestral music is very fine.In short, we know of no better place of amusement in the city.”
Review:New York Clipper, 27 June 1863, 83.
“Business showed a slight improvement at the New Idea since our last.”