10 Aug 1863, 8:00 PM
11 Aug 1863, 8:00 PM
12 Aug 1863, 8:00 PM
13 Aug 1863, 8:00 PM
14 Aug 1863, 8:00 PM
15 Aug 1863, 8:00 PM
Program Details
Grand Reopening Night [MON].
Concert in two parts:
Part I – [unidentified overture] “Instrumental overture” (Bryants’ Minstrels)
“Opening chorus, operatic” (Company)
“Ellie, Queen of May” (Howard)
“Farm yard, The” (Reed)
“Darkey’s cheer, The” (Hilton)
“Lanagan’s ball” (D. Bryant)
“Dear Mother, I’ve come home to die” (Leslie)
“Finale – Slumbering motes” (Full Chorus)
Part II – Varieties
“Blacksmith’s jubilee – Introducing Anvil Chorus, Il Trovatore” (Brass Band)
“Sally, come up” (Reed)
“Paddy’s wedding” (Reed, Seymour, Howard, D. Bryant, Little Mac)
“Cornet solo” (Garatagui)
“Challenge dance” (Reed and D. Bryant)
“La Sonnambula – Amina, with Grand Scena and Aria” (Mme. Howard Fabbri-co)
“Ghost, The” (Seymour, D. Bryant)
“Eccentric dance” (Little Mac)
Emmett: Ober in Jarsey (Plantation Festival Scene) (“whole Troupe in their festival dance”)
Small ad.“Mechanics’ Hall Closed for the Season.Will Reopen August 10.Neil and Dan Bryant.”
Announcement:New York Clipper, 25 July 1863, 115.
Advertisement:New York Clipper, 25 July 1863, 118.
Advertisement:New York Herald, 02 August 1863, 7.
“Bryants’ Minstrels.Mechanics’ Hall Closed for the Season.Will Reopen August 10.Neil and Dan Bryant.”
Advertisement:New York Herald, 04 August 1863, 7.
“Look Out for the Ghost!”
Advertisement:New York Herald, 08 August 1863, 7.
List of Company.
Announcement:New York Post, 08 August 1863, 2.
“Bryant’s Minstrels will re-open for the season on Monday evening next.”
Advertisement:New York Herald, 09 August 1863, 7.
Full program, performers, etc.
Announcement:New York Herald, 10 August 1863, 4.
“Bryants’ Minstrel Hall will be reopened this evening.The programme is excellent, and a burlesque ghost will be introduced.”
Announcement:New York Post, 10 August 1863.
Advertisement:New York Herald, 15 August 1863, 7.
Review:New York Herald, 17 August 1863, 5.
“Despite the high state of the temperature the past week . . . the minstrel halls were crowded every evening.”
Review:New York Clipper, 22 August 1863, 147.
"The reopening of Bryants’ took place on the 10th inst., according to announcement, but we guess the boys would have liked it better if the event had been postponed a week or two, for the weather was too hot for comfort anywhere.Business through the week has not been up to the standard at Bryants.The company is not as strong as it should be, but doubtless additions will be made in due time."