Campbell’s Minstrel Hall
Manager / Director:
M. C. Campbell [minstrel]
Event Type:
Last Updated:
31 July 2011
“The new minstrel hall in the Bowery will soon be among the things that are. The old building is being torn down this week; carpenters, masons, laborers, are all busy, and the hum of preparation is heard on all sides. Mr. Campbell is busy also in adding to his talented company, now traveling, with a view to opening about the last week in May.”
Description of new hall and progression of construction.
“The old original and only Campbell’s Minstrels will open their new hall, 199 and 201 Bowery, on or about June 1. Rehearsal – The members of the above organization are requested to meet at the Hall, on Monday morning, May 23, at eleven o’clock.”
– “M. Ainsley Scott has been engaged by M.C. Campbell for his new opera house in the Bowery. Mr. Scott will act as basso and interlocutor.”