Campbell’s Minstrel Hall
Adolph Nichols [minstrel-vn]
Event Type:
Last Updated:
26 May 2022
“Another Great Programme. First appearance of Johnny Booker. First time of Lucinda at the Soiree. Dinah lee, Othello, stump speech, triple clog dance, &c., &c., &c.”
“Varied and Exciting Melange of Ethiopian Oddities—The Black Brigade.”
Lists some works. “Variety Solo on six instruments at the same time by the wonder Louis Meyers. On Friday Evening, Dec. 16, Benefit of Adolph Nichols, Leader.”
“Johnny Booker commences an engagement at Campbell’s Minstrels this evening. Among the new acts to be performed at this Hall this week are ‘Lucinda at the Soiree,’ ‘Booker’s Stump Oration,’ etc. On Friday evening, Adolph Nichols takes a benefit. ‘New Year Calls’ is in active preparation.”