Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek
Max Maretzek
Event Type:
Last Updated:
10 August 2012
“‘Ione’ will be represented this evening with the same cast.”
“The Opera. Max Maretzek has decided on adding another to the trip of night usually devoted to opera. . . . The experiment of last night in this line was a fair success. The Academy, though not crowded, contained a goodly audience. The opera—‘Ione’—was given with even greater vigor and effect than on Monday night, Bosisio singing with marked purity and neatness. All the other artists did themselves full credit, Mazzoleni being, as usual in this work, the chief attraction of the evening.”
“The second performance of ‘Ione’ last evening was, in all respects, an improvement on the first—if that can be said of singers who really distinguished themselves on Monday evening. The orchestra under Mr. Maretzek's able direction not only seized all the delicate and all the striking ideas of the score, but went affectionately and encouragingly with the singers, helping them through in a way that Maretzek can alone effect. The chorus, too, was in excellent trim. It would be difficult, indeed, to hear a better performance of Petrella's popular work.”