Barnum’s New American Museum

Event Information

Barnum's New American Museum [SEP 65-MAR 68]

Price: $.30; .15 children under 10

Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
24 August 2012

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

16 Oct 1865, All Day
17 Oct 1865, All Day
18 Oct 1865, All Day
19 Oct 1865, All Day
20 Oct 1865, All Day
21 Oct 1865, All Day

Program Details

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Irish melodies; Popular, national, and Irish airs; Hibernian songs


Advertisement: New-York Daily Tribune, 16 October 1865.
Advertisement: New-York Times, 16 October 1865.
Announcement: New-York Times, 16 October 1865, 4.
Advertisement: New York Post, 16 October 1865.
Advertisement: New York Clipper, 21 October 1865, 223.
Review: New York Clipper, 28 October 1865, 230.

Miss Kathleen O’Neil, the celebrated Irish comedienne and vocalist, made her first appearance at Barnum’s on the 16th, and was loudly applauded in her several acts.  Kitty was in splendid voice.  Miss O’Neil arrived in this country some three years since, and her success has been complete.  As an Irish actress and vocalist, she is second to none. . . . ‘Mazeppa’ was represented before a Broadway audience the first time for many years on the 16th inst., at Barnum’s Museum, introducing to the Broadwayders Oceana Judah, well known to the profession as Oceana, Cherry Belle, and Cherry Petrie.  The piece was, no doubt, got up in a great hurry, judging from the manner in which it was put on the stage.  Oceana is rather pretty, and when stripped for the character shows to considerable advantage, being possessed of a pretty good form.  As an actress, she will take rank with any that have aspired to the Mazeppa business since Menken appeared in this city in the character.  She has a very clear voice, and can be distinctly heard at the far end of the circle. . . . This lady is one of the most useful actresses on our boards.  Careful and pleasing in everything she attempts, she wins the applause of all.  Kathleen O’Neil also appeared at this establishment last week, making quite a hit in her budget of Irish songs.  Kitty is all there in that style of business and a great favorite with her audiences.  W. B. Harrison, continues to extemporize in the comic singing department.”